Integrated agribusiness management system

AgroTop is an integrated expert and analytical system for agribusiness management. It is a safe, fast, accessible tool for any agricultural producer, does not require implementation costs and has a clear interface. The system was developed by a Ukrainian team of programmers specifically for Ukrainian realities.

A complete set of software for agrobusiness

We offer a complete set of software including information systems for land bank management, agricultural production processes and monitoring of machinery and equipment.
FieldBI is a system for accounting, visualization, analysis and effective management of agricultural land, which allows:

  • To digitize all the data of the organization, even if everything in the company is presented only in paper form.
  • To monitor the situation with the land bank in real time, compare the accounting areas with the actually cultivated ones and reduce the "checkerwork".
  • To collect automatically analytics on general information about the land bank and types of plots, years of completion, status of contracts and settlement of accounts with contractors, etc.
  • To monitor competitors and register rights to own plots in the SRPR and other open registers.
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AgroTop is a new generation of farm management system for remote control of production processes in agrobusiness, which allows:

  • To plan and analyze crop rotations, implementation of technological maps of fields and field work.
  • To automate task setting for soil selection and scouting, as well as monitor its implementation.
  • To obtain in automatic mode high-quality visualization of soil analyzes and monitor crops with the help of satellite images.
  • To analyze automatically the efficiency of work by enterprises, departments and fields.
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AutoBI is a system for effective vehicle fleet management, accounting for spare parts and units, monitoring of fines, insurance policies and more.

AutoBI provides accounting and data analysis for vehicle fleet management decisions, namely:
To avoid inappropriate costs: optimize the cost of equipment and units, avoid overdue fines and insurance, minimize stocks of spare parts in warehouses.
To get complete control: control the movement of vehicles and units, their condition, financial history as well as the availability and movement of spare parts.
Automatization of reports: receive automated reports in real time, without loss of working time and the negative impact of the human factor.
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5 steps to automatization of agrobusiness
File an application on the web-site
Confirm the details with our manager
Receive the connecting instructions via e-mail
Our managers will enter the data to the system for free
Get the automated and analyzed information, make efficient decisions and increase the company's performance!
Basic blocks of AgroTop
Information panels
The block of information cards which are adjusted individually and visualize all actual indicators concerning agricultural production
Visualization of cultivated fields and crop rotations by structural units of the company or administrative-territorial units
A complete list of cultivated fields of an agricultural enterprise with a powerful selection function by key indicators
Crop rotation
The rotation of crops for certain periods and by structural units and fields is displayed
Field work
У розділі відображаються рух техніки, всі проведені польові роботи та якість їх виконання за певні часові проміжки та на певних територіях
Soil analyzes
Task setting for soil selection and clear visualization of the results of laboratory tests
Task setting for conducting scouting by linear agronomists, viewing and visualization of reports by fields, structural units and administrative-territorial units
Technological maps
Formation and review of technological maps of fields and crops, display of planned operations and search for discrepancies
Satellite field monitoring
Display of satellite images of fields obtained by different technologies, their analysis and visualization on the cultivated fields
Powerful analytics unit with the ability to track the periods of cultivation area, yield, gross harvest, impurities, gross income, etc.
Task setting for various types of work with the ability to track performance and communication
Always be aware of weather changes in the short- and long-term periods.
FieldBI basic blocks
Information panels
The control panels include more than 40 indicators in which the status of the land bank of the enterprise is automatically analyzed and the issues that need to be addressed are indicated.
Visualization of contract status, USREOU searches, as well as plot areas, types of land, purpose, Standard Estimated Money Value, years of contract completion, etc.
A complete list of cultivated fields of an agricultural enterprise with a powerful functionality of selection by key indicators and reflection of efficiency of use.
A complete list of leased, taken or exchanged plots of an agricultural enterprise with a powerful selection function for key indicators
Full list of lease agreements and additional agreements with powerful selection functionality for various statuses and other indicators
The analytical block includes more than 20 information panels that allow you to delve into the situation with the land bank at the enterprise
The "Tasks" section allows you to set, track and receive tasks in the system for all employees of the enterprise with support for iOS and Android
The section "Finance" reflects all the necessary financial information on land, contracts and contractors and opens up new opportunities not only for land managers, but also for accountants, economists and finance professionals.
Automatic generation of reports on the land bank of the farm, lease payments, certificates on the field, etc.
Download our mobile application
Our partners
If you are interested to become our partner or to offer cooperation, please, contact us
Clients' reviews
  • Serhii Pager, owner of "LANDLORD UKRAINE" LLC
    The introduction of digital management systems, including land management, today is strictly necessary for those businesses that want to keep up with time and be efficient in the market. Moreover, a clear understanding of the situation regarding the farmer's main asset - the agricultural land he cultivates, becomes especially relevant on the eve of the opening of the land market in Ukraine.
    At the first stages of the project, it was possible to make the accounting for the land bank of the enterprise more transparent and increase the overall economic efficiency of the company as a whole. The new information product has improved communication between the structural units of the organization and the management concerning the land bank.
  • Oleksandr Klyga, land department manager
    of the "PROGRESS" LLC
    Thanks to the "Electronic Land Surveyor FieldBI" system, numerous discrepancies had been identified, which made it possible to abandon an unexpectedly large number of lands (about 10%), which did not bring the necessary economic effect: plots that were outside the cultivated fields; plots that were on the territory of cultivated fields but were partially cultivated; plots which were impossible or impractical to cultivate for one reason or another according to the agronomic service's opinion.
    Thanks to the introduction of the FieldBI system, the company actually has a new model of working with the land bank in digital form. In a short period of time, we went from "paper" accounting to "digital", which allowed us to automatically detect a number of inconsistencies. First of all, we realized that we cultivate much smaller areas than the documents show, and secondly, we got a real picture with "checkwork". We recommend the FieldBI system to those Ukrainian farmers who want to understand the real situation with cultivated fields.
Sign up for trial period of FieldBI for free
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Contact information
+38 067 85-85-85-3

01032, Kyiv 120 Saksahanskoho street, office 17
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